
Zhengzhou Sino-Crystal Diamond Co.,Ltd.

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Position:Home > About > Marketing network
  • +86-0371-63379595/63379577
  • sales@nongren8.com
  • 24 Dongqing St, Zhengzhou High & New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Henan, China
 Zhengzhou Sino-Crystal Diamond Co., Ltd. mainly specializes in research, production and marketing of synthetic diamond. In recent years, Sino-Crystal has built a comprehensive marketing system with Zhengzhou City as the marketing centre and covered most cities in China. To come out of China and enter the world, Sino-Crystal also set the foreign trade company with independent import & export rights. By now, Sino-Crystal’s products have been best seller in most nations in the world.
Domestic market
Foreign Markets
Products are delivered to the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Austria, Czekh, the United Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa, India, South Korea, Hong Kong, Tai Wan etc
Sales Headquarter Foreign trade company
Tel:0371-63379501 Tel:0371-63379595
Fax:0371-63379559 Fax:0371-63379596
Contact:Li Guoxuan Contact:Song Xiaoyu  Feng Zhibo
E-Mail: E-Mail:sinocrystal@hotmail.com
Domestic trade department Sales Department for auxiliary materials
Tel:0371-63379935 Tel:0371-60333979
Fax:0371-63379559 Fax:0371-60333979
Contact:Xuhui  Hu Wanyong Contact:Liu Yincang
E-Mail:info@nongren8.com E-Mail:liu_yincang@163.com
Sales Branch
Address:Beijing Tel:010-61599885
Address:Shi Jiazhuang, Hebei Province Tel:0311-86812806
Address:Yan Tai, Shandong Province Tel:0535-2362898
Address:Zhengzhou, Henan Province Tel:0371-63379935
Address:Zhengjiang, Jiangsu Province Tel:0511-86963208
Address:Shanghai Tel:021-52916545
Address:E Zhou, Hubei Province Tel:0711-3207277
Address:Shangrao, Jiangxi Province Tel:0793-7881099
Address:Fuzhou, Fujian Province Tel:0591-26853916
Address:Quanzhou, Fujian Province Tel:0595-86813153
Address:Fo Shan, Gunagdong Province Tel:0757-88016061
Address:Wuzhou, Guangxi Province Tel:0774-8201699
Address:Chengdu, Sichuan Province Tel:028-87771816
