
Zhengzhou Sino-Crystal Diamond Co.,Ltd.

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Position:Home > About > Company culture
  • +86-0371-63379595/63379577
  • sales@nongren8.com
  • 24 Dongqing St, Zhengzhou High & New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Henan, China


  Value determines the purpose of an organization, and our value is to become a high-tech Sino-crystal with best service in the world


  Mission determines our goal:
  for customer:we offer the best products and service;
  for staffs:we work together to create growth space, increase workers’ value and improve the working and living quality;
  for stockholders:we pay back for their long-term interest;
  for society:we take our responsibilities for better environment.。

Staff Oath

  I take an oath that I an honored to become one of the staffs in Sino-crystal and devote myself to it. For our future happiness, we work together to succeed; for the development of Sino-crystal, we take our duties, regard Sino-crystal as our own home, obey rules, work hard, obey work ethic and learn more for innovation and the development of Sino-crystal.

Sino-crystal motto

  Eternal Honesty for One Carat;
  Low efficiency with no mistake is also failure, continuous creation is real competence;
  Errors can be forgiven, and no repeated error is allowed;
  Speak out your ideas with your individual;
  I live on Sino-crystal and Sino-crystal develops upon me;
  Career is real motivation and money is just temptation.
